
Transform Natural Language Tasks into Structured Given-When-Then Statements

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A universal structure for tasks, test cases and documentation. Your text will be checked to make sure that all the elements are there.


These are details and specifics in the description that enhance accuracy. Their inclusion will be checked.

Alternative scenarios

There are variations of scenarios: different objects, negative scenarios, etc.

Related user stories, tasks and documentation

Given-When-Then is a structure used to describe business requirements, scenarios, test cases, tasks, and documentation , all of which is universally applicable across the development process. Once written, it forms the basis for the entire team's work. It comprises:

Given - The input data and the system's initial state When - The actions taken to impact the system Then - The anticipated outcome following the actions
And - An additional parameter in your description
Feature: Elephant discovers bananas
As an Elephant I want to find bananas so that I can eat them.

Elephant discovers a banana

Given that there is an elephant who loves bananas
And there is a banana hidden in the jungle
When the elephant explores the jungle
And he finds the banana
Then he should be very happy
And he should eat the banana
What is Specifications

Specifications are the details in your description that provide more specificity. For example, specifying a particular name, quantity, or size of an object.

They are unique to each system. In this web version of StoryBot, we can only recommend that you add them. However, you can always submit a request for a custom integration of StoryBot with your system and add these details automatically more efficiently.

Feature: Elephant discovers bananas
As an Elephant I want to find bananas so that I can eat them.

Elephant finds many bananas

Given Given that there is an elephant who loves bananas And there are 20 bananas hidden in the jungle
When the elephant explores the jungle
And he finds 10 bananas
Then he should be very happy
And he should eat 10 bananas And he should keep looking for bananas to share with his friends
Alternative scenarios

These are variations of a scenario that reflect, for example, a positive or negative outcome of an event. They are necessary for detailing the potential user experience of a product or system. Taking these factors into consideration helps you anticipate the functionality and user paths during product development.

Positive scenarios - Where everything works as expected. Negative scenarios - Focus on what happens when things go wrong, like invalid inputs, insufficient funds, or system errors. Alternative scenarios - Any other variations of product usage scenarios.

In the web version of StoryBot, we can only help you find these scenarios in your description and recommend adding them. However, you can connect StoryBot to your own system and automatically create alternative scenarios in seconds using StoryBot's powerful capabilities, which have been trained on over 10,000 feature description scenarios.

Feature: Elephant discovers Bananas
As an Elephant I want to find bananas so that I can eat them.

Elephant discovers a banana

Given that there is an elephant who loves bananas
And there is a banana hidden in the jungle
When the elephant explores the jungle
And he finds the banana
Then he should be very happy
And he should eat banana

Elephant does not discover a banana

Given that there is an elephant who loves bananas
And there is no banana hidden in the jungle
When the elephant explores the jungle
And he does not find a banana
Then he should be very sad

If you structure your business specifications in the Given-When-Then format, you can use it simultaneously to handle::

  • feature files
  • a development task
  • testing scenarios (use cases)
  • acceptance criteria
  • project documentation

This saves your team approximately 30-50% effort in the product production cycle.

StoryMapper is a company that advocates for living and breathing project documentation. We value our time and our clients' time, so we follow the "documentation as code" approach. That's why we've created a range of products that help automate production processes and track how each line of code is linked to your company's OKRs.

That way, you can reduce costs, accelerate Time To Market, and prevent product degradation. At the core of our approach is a time-tested methodology created by Jeff Patton. With our products, you will be able to set up effective project management.

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